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Blog 03

As humans, we all aspire to positively impact the world, to make it a better place than we found it. We often hear people talking about their legacy and what they will leave behind after they are gone- their accomplishments, children, material possessions, etc. But what if we redefine success as leaving the world better than we found it, not just for ourselves but for future generations?

With this mindset, we have created My Happy Place, a design company specializing in creating personalized pieces that inspire joy, creativity, and relaxation.

We started this company not just as a business venture but as a way to give back to the community and be good ancestors. Businesses are responsible for contributing positively to society, and we wanted to use our skills and passion for design to create something meaningful and uplifting.

We are committed to using sustainable and eco-friendly materials in our designs, minimizing waste, and reducing our carbon footprint. We strive to donate a portion of our profits to local charities and community organizations that support causes we care about, such as education, animal welfare, and environmental conservation.

Creating happy pieces is not just about aesthetics; it enhances people’s enjoyment with those they love and care about, fostering positive attitudes and behaviours while sharing our comfort food and having a good time. The spaces we inhabit significantly impact our physical and mental well-being, creativity, and connectivity.

We want to be good ancestors, leaving a legacy of a more thoughtful and compassionate society that values sustainability, creativity, and community. Through our work, we can inspire others to make a positive impact on the world and be proud of the legacy they leave behind.